The myths surrounding creativity can act as barriers, obscuring our path to realizing our creative velocity.
The #CreativeVelocity Manifesto
Creativity is the lifeblood of humanity. It isn't a gift reserved for the chosen few. It is not about talent or privilege. It's within us all, waiting to be encouraged, nurtured, and indulged. Creativity thrives on attention and is fed by curiosity. It fractures under the weight of pessimism, fear, and doubt. Ambiguity is creativity’s playground. Mistakes and failure are the fuel that creativity needs. It is how we solve problems, imagine possibilities, and manifest our future. Creativity allows us to dismantle outdated constructs and reimagine how things work to improve the quality of the human experience. When we access our creative soul, we can embrace the fuzzy front end and messy middle while anticipating the joy of unexpected discoveries from imperfect exploration to uncover novel ideas.
Creativity is everyone's superpower.

My Impact
My Ethos

I am inspired by the infinite capacity of human creativity to transform challenges into opportunities.
I find opportunity in change and ambiguity.
I am not constrained by the status quo.
I am a learner for life.
I believe everyone is creative.
I empower others to make better decisions, expand their thinking, and find innovative solutions.
I develop creative leaders.
I inspire audiences to discover a balance between curiosity and practicality.

My Creative Journey
Lead Executive in Residence University of Washington, Foster School of Business
The Product Guild
Product and Innovation Advisory Services
Patent Co-Author USPTO #US10257551B2
“System and method for providing integrated media”
Member of Directors Guild of America
Launched Tech Career at Visio Corp

My Story
I am a speaker, CEO advisor, and product executive who guides companies, teams, and business leaders to expand their creative capacity to innovate for customers, accelerate growth, transform operations, and maintain relevance in a fast-changing world.
From a successful career in the film industry in Los Angeles as a member of the Directors Guild of America to becoming an executive at iconic brands such as Amazon, Discovery, T-Mobile, Best Buy, and Apple, I have built and led teams from the ground up and pioneered multiple first-to-market products, including co-authoring a patent for the earliest digital media subscription services that Intel acquired. In multiple corporate roles, I have guided internal innovation teams as an IDEO-trained leader in Design Thinking.
I coach and mentor leaders through the advisory firm I founded, The Product Guild, the University of Michigan College of Engineering's Center for Entrepreneurship, and the University of Washington Foster School of Business. I co-created and serve as the Lead Executive in Residence in the Product Management Leadership Accelerator of the Foster School's Executive Education program.